The Path to Consciousness Cornelis
van Heumen Do you eat more fiber or go to church more regularly and surely you can do both, but which church and how much fiber? What about exercise and irradiated strawberries and meat? "You are what you eat," perhaps more of a joke in earlier days can be a very sobering thought now. Speaking of thoughts, how are yours shaping up if thoughts are indeed things and what you see is what you ordered? What if your spiritual house of choice is no where near you, or the nearest vegan market further than you can travel in a day. What if the best you can manage regularly is to go to work, return home, feed and bed the family or just yourself, clean house as you can, pet the cat and walk the dog as optional? America's 44 million "cultural creatives," more euphemistically called New Agers, as well as ever-growing numbers of the equally vaguely named Mainstream, are turning and returning to the world's many religions and metaphysic studies for answers. Others are depending on advances in physical methods and sciences, doctors, diet gurus, personal trainers and machines. There are hordes of books, pamphlets, classes and counselors, as well as no less than hundreds of internet sites, to guide you in every way at home, at work and at play with instruction on how you may co-habitate all three at once. But, I believe, mainly because of all the choices and sources, the need for many appears to be coalescing more and more into a demand for a central belief, core concept and guiding principle. Some scientists call it, "universal theory." I call it, "the magic bullet," for the most direct path, taking the least time for maximum gain in all things. A very American idea all round. This is a pretty tall order to say the least. I've long suspected that for everyone to have it their way they would not only have to develop their own menu, they would also have to collect all the ingredients, craft their own tools and vessels, put the fire in the stove, and build the kitchen as well as the house around it, too. No easy path to glory no matter how many theories, manuals, materials, craftsman and other helpers and advice you can collect, pay for and have space and time enough to put to work. However, the basic premise of a basic premise is still sound just as one pot can be used to cook many different things and several pots on single stove can feed the entire family. Enter one more book "Sanctuary, The Path to Consciousness," from HTTPress, and two more advisors, its authors Stephen Lewis and Evan Slawson, telling us you don't have to do one thing new or practice any old things differently. Yes, do exercise so you'll feel and look better as you wish. Yes, go to church, temple, monastery or forest glade and pray, meditate, chant, beat a drum, dance or simply sit for self-knowledge, spiritual, mental and physical mastery and peace. Yes, eat as you feel you should by season, geography, genetic or ethnic heritage for health and well-being. But, as well and over-all, nurture your subtle energetic nature as the base from which all else, good health or ill health, spiritual connection or disaffection, clear or cluttered career and personal paths and relationships begin as the central well-spring of well-being in all things. They assert at source every ill thing in existence has an ill or negative energy parallel and that if you positively reverse its energy what was once ill becomes well. Just like magic. Late in this millennium, as we stand at the gate of the new, most of us, New Age or not, cannot, let alone would not, just chuck it all, don an one-piece, pale-colored, wrap-around garment and sit in snow atop a mountain summit purely contemplating our navel for 23 and a half hours out of every 24. This, of course, would be only one possible choice in learning how to manipulate our own energetic nature fully and completely. Fortunately, these authors suggest Sanctuary can be found for us wherever we are, while we do everything else we do, all day, every day, starting right now. An amazing claim, if true. And, as a person whom everyone, including myself, my many doctors and my friends (and not my wife, bless her), with "that look" in the eye you never forget, believed wouldn't live to see last Christmas, I must say it is true. It took me an agonizing six months to look death in the eye. It took me three glorious weeks to live -- see again everything reborn, new and filled with wonder, including myself. And, for all the rest, e.g., spiritual growth and universal connection as much as proper diet, breath and exercise, I am very happy to say I'm still here and still learning. I don't believe I could recommend a better transition process or consciousness raising. Sanctuary invited me in. I suggest you consider the book and its authors as invitation as well, whether you are currently well or ill. Tomorrow is here today and now arrives faster all the time. |
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